Aeronautical meteorology  

The student will have the ability to understand the influence of meteorological phenomena on aeronautical activities. Knowing and understanding meteorological parameters measured and forecasted at an airport will be able to take decisions on the ground and in flight operation of the aircraft, and to design specific operational processes and activities related. By studying severe weather phenomena that affect aircraft landing or taking off and their effects on the flight, the student will be able to make decisions on flight efficiency. Analysis of severe weather phenomena on flight route will give the student the ability to extrapolate the effects of mesoscale aviation processes on a global scale, thus helping him to improve his capacity to make decisions regarding the optimization of flight trajectories. Aviation needs managers able to understand the specific meteorological terms and documents that are always present at aeronautical meteorological office. A high level of training enabling them to develop complex tasks in an environment in which hazardous weather phenomena is an ongoing risk factor that can affect flight safety. Outcome: Not Provided
Aeronautical meteorology

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