Entrepreneurship and business planning  

Create an understanding about the essence of entrepreneurship and it’s processes, the role of entrepreneur and the principles of business planning and development (incl growth) process, also about the main aspects of the activities of enterprises in the context of external business environment. To give an opportunity for students on the basis of choosen business idea to practically plan the business process, design business model and compile business plan through teamwork and interdisciplinary study, which is supporting students in their career choice of be Learning outcomes: After completing this course the student: - explains the essence of entrepreneurship, phases of entrepreneurship processes and business planning as well as the main activities of enterprises; - assesses own abilities to initiate teamwork and activates on the development of business ideas in real life and handle risks; - assesses business opportunities and analyses them based on problems needful to solve, uncovered market nisches and development trends; - carries out market and competition analysis originated from choosen business opportunities, compiles the general and competition strategy for planned enterprise; - designs full marketing mix for enterprise (products/services, pricing policy, market channels and promotion activities); - compiles report for profit, cash flows and balance prognosis and cost-benefit analysis; - presents and justifies the feasibility of business model (business plan).
Entrepreneurship and business planning

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