Mathematics for computer science  

Description: Brief description of the course: 1. Language of mathematics and Set theory: Boolean algebra: logical operators, truth tables, logic laws. Set theory: sets, set operations. number sets 2. Functions: mappings between sets, injection, surjection, bijection, computability and big O notation. 3. Probability theory: Elementary counting principles, permutations, combinations, events and probabilities, random variables and distributions. 4. Number theory: Divisibility, GCD, Euclidean algorithm, Bezout identity, prime numbers, congruences, Euler φ- function, Chinese Remainder Theorem 5. Group theory: Groups basic definitions and properties, types of groups (cyclic, dihedral, symmetric), subgroups, homomorphism, isomorphism, Lagrange theorem, quotient groups, product groups. 6. Ring theory: Rings basic definitions and properties, polynomial rings, ring homomorphism, ideals, quotient rings, fields Learning outcomes: After completing this course, the student: - understands mathematical texts at undergraduate level; - uses standard mathematical notation and terminology in academical writing; - writew and evaluatew correct, clear and precise mathematical proofs in an applicable level of detail; - recalls definitions and theorems in mathematical areas, which are covered in the course.
Mathematics for computer science

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