Sociotechnical systems modelling  

The study course examines the basic principles of system modeling and simulation based on the analysis of technical and social systems. In describing the concepts of simulation, the main technologies and the conditions for their application are considered. Particular attention is paid to the design of an information technology introduction related model, which includes the collection of ideas and data, verification, validation, conceptual model creation, and quantitative modelling of critical contours. The role of the social factor in the operation of the system, as well as the application of appropriate visualization techniques for the information are considered. Outcome: Able to define, interpret and use professional terminology in the field of modelling. - During the defence of practical work results and preparation of individual design assignment, the skills have been demonstrated through professional terminology, to describe the problem and to offer a suitable solution. Is able to analyze a given situation and to draw independent conclusions about the socio-technical system modelling methodology for the use of the economic problem solutions. - In the course of the individual research work, the ability to analyze the system problems and develop a conceptual model of the solution to be concretized has been shown. Be able to evaluate the use of the developed model scenario limits and offer opportunities for change. - During the practical work, the student learns basic simulation techniques and identifies their application constraints. It can be argued to discuss modeling applications for institution / company's problems solution, as well as the ability to work in International working groups and present the results achieved. - Individual research work is related to the student's intended field of activity, which ensures the practical application of the new knowledge and skills. Classes are conducted in groups, assessing the student's ability to work in mentally and socially diverse groups. Able to explain the essence, possibilities and importance of the application of modelling methodologies for improving the institution / company's operation. - During the exam, the ability to answer theoretical control questions and solve the problem situations in different sectors of the economy has been demonstrated.
Sociotechnical systems modelling

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