Social responsibility and business ethics  

The course is built so as to demonstrate the development and role of social responsibility (SR) in Latvia and worldwide. Explore public opinions on social responsibility in business environment through analysis of situations of moral dilemmas. Introduce business ethics as a multidisciplinary academic field provide insight into business ethics-related issues and introduce a modern approach to solving typical business issues. . The course is aimed at establishing the theoretical basis of the business ethics, value-orientation, SR classification and assessment. It develops practical skills in solving ethical problems and implementing SR strategy in an organization. Outcome: Able to describe theories and principles of business ethics, to analyze critically the situation of the company, to apply this knowledge in practice to make moral decisions and develop solutions for various business situations - Home work: ethical or unethical action and moral conflicts in business environment. Exam. Group project. Develop understanding of the trade-offs organizations face in their efforts to combine their social responsibilities and immediate commercial goals and acquire capabilities of transforming these trade-offs into opportunities for both the organization and the society - 3 assignments - case studies: analysis of an actual recent (last 3 years) business situation. Presentation and discussion of results. Exam. Able to apply the skills and knowledge gained in making sound business decisions. Able to justify and argue the decisions made from the standpoint of ethical behaviour as well as understand the benefits of implementing a SR strategy - 3 assignments - case studies: SR in an organization. Presentation and discussion of results. Exam. Group project. Able to apply the main tools for building a trusting and respectful environment in an organization, implementing a socially responsible organizational development strategy and informing the society of organizational activities in the domain of social responsibility - Group project: analysis and evaluation of the internal environment and CSR strategy of an organization working in Latvia. Presentation and discussion of results. Exam. Able to critically evaluate the transparency and sustainability of a corporate social responsibility campaign. Able to develop suggestions for increasing the credibility of a corporate social responsibility campaign. - 4 assignments - case studies: the transparency and sustainability of the company. Presentation and discussion of results. Exam. Group project.
Social responsibility and business ethics

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