Modeling basics  

The aim of the course is to basic knowldege of the practical use of system modeling languages and tools. The tasks of the course include getting acquainted with two main types of system modeling (object-oriented modeling and business modeling), mastering UML class diagrams, mastering business modeling, which is necessary for the needs of object-oriented modeling. In addition, they include a review of the system modeling methodology, learning how to use class diagrams in metamodels in construction, solving specific modeling tasks. Case studies are included, and system modelling methodology is discussed. Language of instruction: Latvian and English Course responsible lecturer Kārlis Podnieks Results Knowledge 1. UML Class diagrams are learned; 2. UML Activity diagrams are learned; 3. Metamodels and OCL language are learned; Skills 4. Students are able to use UML Class diagrams in practice; 5. students are able to use UML Activity diagrams for building real system business models; 6. Students are able to use metamodels and OCL language; 7. At least one system modeling tool is mastered; Competencies 8. Modern system modeling methods are learned, students are able to use them in practice. (eb14, eb15, eb22, eb23, EB24,eb34, eb61)
Modeling basics

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