Pollution and depollution of soils and the atmosphere  

Diagnosis and soil remediation techniques -This EU is subdivided into two parts which follow each other logically. The first aims to know how to carry out a diagnosis of polluted sites and soils. The second aims to learn how to select and carry out techniques for remediating polluted sites and soils. A first part of the teaching consists of learning what Interpretation of the State of the Environment (IEM) is and in which cases an IEM should be carried out. The second part is devoted to understanding and analyzing the management plan for a polluted site (PG). Finally, particular attention is paid to the development of the initial conceptual plan (bringing together sources of pollution and pollutant transfer route) and final (inventory after implementing depollution techniques). The student will also learn how to calculate an EQRS (Quantitative Assessment of Health Risks). Finally, the last part of the course is devoted to the presentation of depollution techniques. Geotechnical concepts - It will be about Give the first keys, and the vocabulary, to a field very close to studies of polluted sites and soils. This is to facilitate exchanges with potential collaborators in multi-business design offices; Understand the content and hazards linked to in situ investigations (associated with geotechnics and SSP studies), and learn to define an investigation program. Air pollution M2ISIE - Atmosphere: description and dynamics. Atmospheric pollution and modeling: Emission and formation of pollutants in the atmosphere, development of databases, spatialized emission inventories, emission scenarios and air quality management, impacts of pollution: acid rain, greenhouse effect, tropospheric and stratospheric ozone. The course includes 5 complementary parts: Definition and physical description of the atmosphere and air pollutants Definitions, associated effects, metrology elements, composition. Meteorology concepts to understand atmospheric dynamics Parameters, main transformations of atmospheric air, water, winds. Elements of atmospheric chemistry and main reactions in homogeneous gas phase Atmospheric pollutants, example of the oxidation mechanism, photo-oxidative pollution, chemical mechanisms in the natural and polluted tropospheres, tropospheric ozone cycle Air quality management tools Modeling of emissions and concentrations of atmospheric pollutants, examples of studies. Other different air pollution issues Acid rain, the greenhouse effect, stratospheric ozone
Pollution and depollution of soils and the atmosphere

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